Richard Raphita Ompusunggu


Very enthusiast with data science, ML and AI. Used to work as Operation Analyst to provide information and insight for my team. Fast to adapt with new environment, like to learning new things and sharing my knowledge. Can work under pressure and good in collaborate with others.

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This is my machine learning portofolio that I have done using data that can be found from Kaggle and other websites. This portofolio include many problems from different industry and use different algorithm approach to solve the problems.

1. Avocado Prices Task: EDA, ARIMA

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and time series forecast for avocado prices using ARIMA model. We can use the forecast to create a plan where and when we have to buy avocado with better price and maximize profit.

2. Boston House Prices Task: EDA, Regression

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Regression model to calculate/estimate the price from house in Boston using variables that we have. We can use the estimation to know if the house is overvalued or undervalued.

3. Brazil E-commerce Task: EDA, Clustering, ARIMA

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and cluster for each region so we can see which region have the highest payment and growth. Also using ARIMA to predict how many orders and payment that we will get in the future.

4. Breast Cancer Wisconsin Task: EDA, Classification

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Classification model to classify which person who will be diagnosed with malignant and benign.

5. Credit Card Fraud Task: EDA, Classification

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Classification model to classify is the person fraud or not.

6. Google Play Store Apps Task: EDA, Clustering

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and create positioning based on number installs and rating. Also create clustering using Clustering algorithm.

7. Heart Disease Task: EDA, Classification

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Classification model to classify which person who will be diagnosed with heart disease based on the input variables.

8. Huge Stock Market Task: EDA, ARIMA

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and time series forecast for Amazon stock prices using ARIMA model.

9. IBM HR Analytic Task: EDA, Classification

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Classification model to classify employee attrition. Using the classification model, we can check the attrition based on the input variables.

10. Iris Species Task: EDA, Classification

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Classification model to classify iris species based on the variables.

11. Loan Prediction Task: EDA, Classification

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Classification model to classify if we can give loan to our customers or not.

12. Mall Customer Task: EDA, CLustering

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and clustering using Clustering algorithm. We can use the cluster as customers segmentation and give advertising based on the clusters.

13. Pokemon With Stats Task: EDA, Clustering

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and create positioning based on number attacks and defense for each generation. Also create clustering using Clustering algorithm.

14. Suicide Rates Task: EDA, Clustering

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and create positioning based on GDP and number suicide/100k population. Also create clustering using Clustering algorithm.

15. Video Games Sales Task: EDA

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and get insight which genre and publisher that create highest revenue.

16. Wine Quality Task: EDA, Classification

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Classification model to classify if the wine has good quality or not.

17. World Happiness Report Task: EDA, Regression

Description: In this project, I will try to make Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Regression model to calculate/estimate the happiness score for each country based on input variables.

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